Pictures from the 2011 New Year's Eve Ride
Preparing to have a group picture taken |
Lining up the cars before dark |
Waiting for the rest of the group so we can take pictures |
Great looking Missouri and North Arkansas Car |
Mark Springer getting the cars in line |
Another great car..this one Union Pacific |
Great pictures-two depots and two great cars including a Rio Grande |
Getting a pictures of the line up |
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Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad (3 ft. narrow gauge)
Heart of the Heartlands will be hosting a three-day excursion on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad (3 ft. narrow gauge) out of Chama, NM on August 13-16 (Saturday - Tuesday), 2011, with set-on, paperwork and inspection from 5:00 PM until 6:30 PM on Saturday, August 13. Sunday-run from Chama to Big Horn and return (90 miles). Monday- run from Chama, NM to Antonito, CO (64 Miles) and stay overnight. Tuesday - run from Antonita back to Chama (64 miles). Cars will be removed from the track upon arrival back in Chama. We will cover a total of 218 very scenic miles through the San Juan Mountains over the three days, crossing 10,015 ft. Cumbres Pass and meeting steam powered passenger trains each day. This excursion will run in conjunction with the Rocky Mountain Division excursion on the D&SNG on August 18-21. Cost: $350.00 per car plus $30.00 per person for Breaks/meals (the $30.00 covers two breaks - cinnamon rolls/pie/cake & drinks - on Sunday, and a bountiful, all-you-can-eat lunch on Monday & Tuesday that includes dessert and drink at Osier Station). Make checks payable to "Jim McKeel". Please include name, address, phone number, rules certification card number, NARCOA insurance number and e-mail address with registration. There is a 20 car limit for this excursion. Deadline for registration/payment: Friday, July 15, 2011. No refunds after August 1, 2011.
The current version of the NARCOA Rulebook will apply. Current NARCOA Insurance and Certificate of Examination card rquired. Experienced and alert operators with motorcars in good mechanical condition please. Ensure that your motorcar is ready for high altitude operation (7,863 ft. up to 10,015 ft. elevation) and that it will be able to pull an extended 13 1/2 mile 4% grade. Spark arresters and whell chock chains required. No smoking on railroad property except on the platform outside the Osier dining facility. No pets. No children under the age of 16. Lodging and meals are on your own. (Sunday morning & afternoon snacks and drinks, and Monday and Tuesday lunches are optional at the additional cost noted above.) Be prepared for a variety of mountain weather conditions, wear appropriate clothing (no shorts) and sturdy shoes or boots (boots are recommended) for this extreme railroad environment. Ensure that brakes, headlights, tail lights, and brake lights are in good working order. Excursion Coordinator: Jim McKeel, 9742 Yosemite Ct., Wichita, KS, 67215-1531, phone: (316) 721-4378, e-mail: cts.excursions@cox.net
Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad (3 ft. narrow gauge)
Heart of the Heartlands will be hosting a three-day excursion on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad (3 ft. narrow gauge) out of Chama, NM on September 9-12 (Friday-Monday), 2011, with set-on, paperwork, and inspection from 5:00 PM until 6:30 PM on Friday, September 9. Saturday-run from Chama to Big Horn and return (90 miles). Sunday-run from Chama, NM to Antonito, CO (64 miles) and stay overnight. Monday-run from Antonito back to Chama (64 miles). Cars will be removed from the track upon arrival back in Chama. We will cover a total of 218 very scenic miles through the San Juan Mountains over the three days, crossing 10,015 ft. Cumbres Pass and meeting steam powered passenger trains each day. Cost: $350.00 per car plus $30.00 per person for breaks/meals (the $30.00 covers two breaks - cinnamon rolls/pie/cake & drinks- on Saturday, and a bountiful, all-you-can-eat lunch on Sunday & Monday that includes dessert and drink at Osier Station). Make checks payable to "Jim McKeel". Please include name, address, phone number, rules certification card number, NARCOA insurance number, and e-mail address with registration. There is a 20 car limit for this excursion. Deadline for registration/payment: Friday, August 19, 2011. No refunds after Friday, August 19,2011.
The current version of the NARCOA Rulebook will apply. Current NARCOA Insurance and Certificate of Examination card required. Experienced and alert operators with motorcars in good mechanical condition please. Ensure that your motorcar is ready for high altitude operation (7,863 ft. up to 10,015 ft. elevation) and that it will be able to pull an extended 13 1/2 mile 4% grade. Spark arresters and whell chock chains required. No smoking on railroad property except on the platform outside the Osier dining facility. No pets. No children under the age of 16. Lodging and meals are on your own. (Saturday morning & afternoon snacks and drinks, and Sunday and Monday lunches are optional at the additional cost noted above.) Be prepared for a variety of mountain weather conditions, wear appropriate clothing (no shorts) and sturdy shoes or boots (boots are recommended) for this extreme railroad environment. Ensure that brakes, headlights, tail lights, and brake lights are in good working order. Excursion Coordinator: Jim McKeel, 9742 Yosemite Ct., Wichita, KS, 67215-1531, phone: (316) 721-4378, e-mail: cts.excursions@cox.net